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[Next.js 13 공식 문서 App Router] - Caching Caching in Next.js Overview - Request Memoization - Data Cache - Full Route Cache - Router Cache Request Memoization - How Request Memoization Works - React extends the fetch API to automatically memoize requests that have the same URL and options - Once the route has been rendered and the rendering pass is complete, memory is "reset" and all request memoization entries are cleared - For cases w.. 2023. 8. 28.
[Next.js 13 공식 문서 App Router] - Rendering Rendering Fundamentals - Rendering Environments - Client - Server - Request-Response Lifecycle 1. User Action 2. HTTP Request 3. Server 4. HTTP Response 5. Client 6. User Action - Network Boundary - Client Module Graph - Server Module Graph Building Hybrid Applications - Unidirectional Server Components Benefits of Server Rendering - Data Fetching: Improve performance by reducing time it takes t.. 2023. 8. 25.
[Next.js 13 공식 문서 App Router] - Data Fetching Data Fetching, Caching, and Revaidating - On the server, with fetch - On the server, with third-party libraries - On the client, via a Route Handler - On the client, with third-party libraries Fetching Data on the Server with fetch - Automatically memoize fetch requests while rendering a React Component tree - In Route handlers, fetch requests are not memoized as Router Handlers are not part of .. 2023. 8. 25.
[Next.js 13 공식 문서 App Router] - Routing Routing Routing Fundamentals Terminology - Tree - Subtree - Root - Leaf - URL Segment - URL Path The app Router - The App Router takes priority over the Pages Router Roles of Folders and Files Route Segments Nested Routes File Conventions - layout: Shared UI - page - loading: React Suspense boundary - not-found: React Error boundary - error: React Error boundary - global-error - route - template.. 2023. 8. 24.