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[TS Design Patterns] 생성 패턴 - 팩토리 메서드

by Aaron-Kim 2023. 10. 21.

Factory Method (Virtual Constructor)

- Provides an interface of creating objects in a superclass,
   but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created

- Suggests that we replace direct object construction calls (using the new operator)

   with calls to a special factory method

- Creator, Sub Classes

- Sovles the problem of creating product objects without specifying their concrete classes


- 팩토리 패턴

  - 객체를 생성하는 팩토리 함수 사용

  - 함수 호출하는 것으로 객체 만들어냄

     -> new 키워드 사용하는 대신 함수 호출의 결과로 객체 만들어냄

  - 상대적으로 복잡한 객체 또는 환경이나 설정에 따라 키와 값을 다양하게 설정해야 하는 객체 만들 때 유용

  - 특정한 키나 값을 가진 객체 쉽게 만들어 냄

  - 동일한 프로퍼티를 가진 여러 작은 객체 만들어낼 때 유용함

  - 대부분 상황에서 객체를 일일히 만드는 것보다 클래스를 활용하는 것이 메모리 절약에 효과적임



- 예시

 * The Creator class declares the factory method that is supposed to return an
 * object of a Product class. The Creator's subclasses usually provide the
 * implementation of this method.
abstract class Creator {
   * Note that the Creator may also provide some default implementation of the
   * factory method.
  public abstract factoryMethod(): Product;

   * Also note that, despite its name, the Creator's primary responsibility is
   * not creating products. Usually, it contains some core business logic that
   * relies on Product objects, returned by the factory method. Subclasses can
   * indirectly change that business logic by overriding the factory method
   * and returning a different type of product from it.
  public someOperation(): string {
    // Call the factory method to create a Product object.
    const product = this.factoryMethod();
    // Now, use the product.
    return `Creator: The same creator's code has just worked with ${product.operation()}`;

 * Concrete Creators override the factory method in order to change the
 * resulting product's type.
class ConcreteCreator1 extends Creator {
   * Note that the signature of the method still uses the abstract product
   * type, even though the concrete product is actually returned from the
   * method. This way the Creator can stay independent of concrete product
   * classes.
  public factoryMethod(): Product {
    return new ConcreteProduct1();

class ConcreteCreator2 extends Creator {
  public factoryMethod(): Product {
    return new ConcreteProduct2();

 * The Product interface declares the operations that all concrete products must
 * implement.
interface Product {
  operation(): string;

 * Concrete Products provide various implementations of the Product interface.
class ConcreteProduct1 implements Product {
  public operation(): string {
    return '{Result of the ConcreteProduct1}';

class ConcreteProduct2 implements Product {
  public operation(): string {
    return '{Result of the ConcreteProduct2}';

 * The client code works with an instance of a concrete creator, albeit through
 * its base interface. As long as the client keeps working with the creator via
 * the base interface, you can pass it any creator's subclass.
function clientCode(creator: Creator) {
  // ...
    "Client: I'm not aware of the creator's class, but it still works."
  // ...

 * The Application picks a creator's type depending on the configuration or
 * environment.
console.log('App: Launched with the ConcreteCreator1.');
clientCode(new ConcreteCreator1());

console.log('App: Launched with the ConcreteCreator2.');
clientCode(new ConcreteCreator2());


const createUser = ({ firstName, lastName, email }) => ({
  fullName() {
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

const user1 = createUser({
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Doe",
  email: "john@doe.com"

const user2 = createUser({
  firstName: "Jane",
  lastName: "Doe",
  email: "jane@doe.com"



- 활용


[TS 사용 예시]


